Posted by: E (The Third Glance) | April 29, 2012

#AutismPositivity2012 Flash Blog is Tomorrow!

A modified version of this post was posted here

#AutismPositivity2012 Flash Blog Event is Tomorrow!

Thanks for your interest in the AutismPositivity Day Flash Blog! This awesome event is going to take place tomorrow, April 30th, on the last day of Autism Awareness/Acceptance Month. I’m really looking forward to seeing all the wonderful words, thoughts, and ideas that will be shared. As a reminder, this event was born from a Google search of “I Wish I didn’t have Asperger’s”.

There are several ways to participate:

Once you have written your post, please put it up on your own blog, and leave us a link, either by commenting on the “Links” page on the AutismPositivity Blog, or sending an email to We will add your link to the “links” page of the website.

ADDITIONALLY, we are hoping to build this site up as a major resource for autistic individuals and family/friends who are looking for support. As such, we would love to reprint as many of the letters as possible as blog entries here. When sending us your link, please let us know if you give permission for your post to be reprinted here. If so, we will reprint your post, adding the following line at the top: “From <your blog, with link>, reprinted here with permission of the author”.

If you do not have a blog, and still want to participate, that’s fantastic! We have already received several submissions, and look forward to posting these and more. Please send your entry to and we will post it tomorrow as a blog entry here. If you have a twitter handle, we’ll include that in the post title, so that it links to you.

We will also be reposting some of the longer, relevant comments that people have left

And finally, there will be a “quotes” page going live tomorrow, if you would like to leave a short quote or comment. The quotes page was inspired by a program put on by a university student group several weeks ago, which shared short “Autism Positivity Statements from Autistic People” that was shared on my blog recently. If you have a short statement to leave, that is a great place to do so.

Thank you for your contributions to help make the world a safer and happier place for those on the Autism Spectrum. 🙂

I’ll be posting my letter fairly early tomorrow, and I can’t wait to see everyone else’s as well. 🙂


  1. I am super excited! 🙂 Yay!

  2. We must be in different time zones as I am about to go to work. I will come back tonight to read your letter. Mine is here:

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